Barbarea verna

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 Barbarea verna subsp. var.  Land cress
File:Bave 001 lvd.jpg
Habit: [[Category:]]
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Lifespan: biennial
Origin: SW Europe
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[[]] > Barbarea verna var. , (P. Mill.) Aschers.

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Land cress (Barbarea verna), also known as American cress, bank cress, Belle Isle cress, Bermuda cress, early yellowrocket, early wintercress, scurvy cress, and upland cress, is a biennial herb in the family Brassicaceae. It is native to southwestern Europe, but is also cultivated in Florida. As it requires less water than watercress, it is easier to cultivate. Land cress has been cultivated as a leaf vegetable in England since the 17th century.

Land cress is considered a satisfactory substitute for watercress. It can be used in sandwiches, or salads, or cooked like spinach, or used in soup.

Land cress can be grown easily in any garden. Like watercress, it loves water, but does not do well when partially submerged for long periods of time. This perennial needs full sun and frequent watering in any garden, unless near a direct source of water.

Synonyms include Barbarea praecox and Lepidum nativum. Other common names include dryland cress, cassabully, and American watercress. A variegated form is available.

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Barbarea praecox, R. Br. (B. verna, Asch.). Early Winter, or Bell Isle Cress. Distinguished by the more numerous divisions of the Lvs. (4-8 pairs) and thickened pedicels. Slightly cult. as a winter salad, and known S. as scurvy grass. Naturalized from Eu.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


The plant easily self seeds on a neutral soil.


By seed

Pests and diseases

Very resistant to club root and insect attacks (whitefly, cabbage root fly, and cabbage white butterfly, and cabbage moths)


Synonyms include Barbarea praecox and Lepidum nativum.


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