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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Leptactina (Greek, graceful rays, referring to the star-like aspect of the flower). Also written Leptactinia Rubiaceae. Showy shrubs, glabrous or puberulent, leafy: leaves opposite, glossy; stipules broad-ovate and mostly rather large: flowers in dense terminal cymes, like ixoras, white.—The genus contains about 25 species, all Trop. African shrubs, important generic characters being the large calyx-lobes, very long corolla-tube, 5 included stamens, style-branches free or connate, large lax stipules, and clustered infl.

L.Mannii, Hook. f. Branching shrub, 6 ft. high: leaves 5 1/2 in. long, 2 1/2 in. wide and larger in proportion, oval, wavy-margined, obtuse, with gobose green bodies between the insertions of the leaves, which are stipules: calyx-tube 3 lines long, lobes 1 in. or more long, leafy; corolla silky within, lobes lanceolate; stamens 5, included; style hairy above, 2-branched. —A very interesting white-fld. shrub for growing under glass, apparently not offered in this country. CH

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