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 Stephanandra subsp. var.  
Stephanandra incisa 001.jpg
Habit: shrub
Height: to
Width: to
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Lifespan: perennial
Features: deciduous
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Minimum Temp: °Fwarning.png"°F" is not a number.
USDA Zones: to
Sunset Zones:
Flower features:
Rosaceae > Stephanandra var. ,

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Stephanandra is a genus in the family Rosaceae. The deciduous, thicket-forming shrubs have attractive wavy-margined leaves that resemble maple leaves and have a good orange-yellow fall color. Cutleaf Stephanandra grows to less than 2 feet tall but spreads by suckering. In winter it has rich brown, arching shoots. It grows in full sun. The fruits of Stephanandra are dry dehiscent fruits.

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Stephanandra (Greek, stephanos, crown, and aner, andros, male stamen, alluding to the persistent crown of stamens). Rosaceae. Ornamental shrubs grown chiefly for their handsome graceful foliage.

Deciduous: lvs. alternate, lobed and serrate, stipulate: fls. slender-pedicelled, small, with cup-shaped calyx-tube; sepals and petals 5; stamens 10-20: carpel 1; pod with 1 or 2 shining seeds, dehiscent only at the base.—Four species in China and Japan. Closely allied to Neillia and distinguished chiefly by the cup-shaped calyx-tube and the incompletely dehiscent 1-2-seeded pod.

The stephanandras in cultivation are low graceful spreading shrubs with slender more or less zigzag branches, bright green medium-sized or rather small lobed leaves and small white flowers in loose terminal panicles. They are hardy as far north as Massachusetts, but S. incisa is sometimes killed back in severe winters; it grows, however, freely from the base and is not injured in its appearance except that it remains rather low. They are well adapted for borders of shrubberies or rocky banks on account of their graceful habit and handsome foliage. Propagation is by greenwood cuttings under glass, which root readily, and by seeds; also by division, and S. incisa by root-cuttings with bottom heat in early spring. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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