Caryocar brasiliense

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Fossil range: {{{fossil_range}}}
Flowers of pequi, a popular Brazilian fruit
Flowers of pequi, a popular Brazilian fruit
Plant Info
Common name(s): {{{common_names}}}
Growth habit: {{{growth_habit}}}
Height: {{{high}}}
Width: {{{wide}}}
Lifespan: {{{lifespan}}}
Exposure: {{{exposure}}}
Water: {{{water}}}
Features: {{{features}}}
Poisonous: {{{poisonous}}}
Hardiness: {{{hardiness}}}
USDA Zones: {{{usda_zones}}}
Sunset Zones: {{{sunset_zones}}}
Scientific classification
(formerly Theales)"
Domain: {{{domain}}}
Superkingdom: {{{superregnum}}}
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: {{{subregnum}}}
Superdivision: {{{superdivisio}}}
Superphylum: {{{superphylum}}}
Division: Magnoliophyta
Phylum: {{{phylum}}}
Subdivision: {{{subdivisio}}}
Subphylum: {{{subphylum}}}
Infraphylum: {{{infraphylum}}}
Microphylum: {{{microphylum}}}
Nanophylum: {{{nanophylum}}}
Superclass: {{{superclassis}}}
Class: Magnoliopsida
Sublass: {{{subclassis}}}
Infraclass: {{{infraclassis}}}
Superorder: {{{superordo}}}
Order: Malpighiales

(formerly Theales)

Suborder: {{{subordo}}}
Infraorder: {{{infraordo}}}
Superfamily: {{{superfamilia}}}
Family: Caryocaraceae
Subfamily: {{{subfamilia}}}
Supertribe: {{{supertribus}}}
Tribe: {{{tribus}}}
Subtribe: {{{subtribus}}}
Genus: Caryocar
Subgenus: {{{subgenus}}}
Section: {{{sectio}}}
Series: {{{series}}}
Species: C. brasiliense
Subspecies: {{{subspecies}}}
Binomial name
Caryocar brasiliense
Trinomial name
Type Species

Pequi or Souari Nut (Caryocar brasiliense; Caryocaraceae) is a Brazilian fruit. It is yellow coloured, and has a strong taste and smell. It is a very popular meal in Goiás and Minas Gerais, and may be eaten by itself or with other food. The Pequi with rice and chicken is specially popular. An oil extracted from the seeds of the pequi is also used as an edible oil. The pequi occupies an important role in the culture of indigenous people in Brazil's Cerrado region. One report writes:

The pequi is the main symbol of this de-structuring of the economy. The pequi is habitually consumed by the population in the Cerrado zone and is deeply rooted in the regional culture and cooking. For the Mineiros, the Cerrado inhabitants of Minas Gerais, the pequi does not belong to anyone, because it belongs to all. Therefore, they maintain their ancestral right to take it wherever it is, in public or private land, fenced in land or unfenced land, etc., wherever it is, the pequi was always "accessible" to the regional society. Since the sixties, due to logging and installation on a wide scale of eucalyptus plantations, the pequi and all that it represents are under a serious threat. So much so, that at the market in Curvelo we did not find any pequis for sale. Some trades people commented on the difficulty they have in obtaining this fruit, which was previously so accessible.[1]


  • The pequi has many thorns in its interior, and therefore it must not be bitten. These thorns can cause strong pain if released in the mouth or tongue. It is necessary to eat this fruit with extremely caution, eating only the yellow thin creamy "skin" of the pequi. When the yellow color of the fruit starts to get white it is necessary to stop eating the fruit.
  • The Pequi needs to be eaten using bare hands. Knife, fork and spoon are not to be used.
  • Deep inside the pequi there is a delicious nut. It is just needed to let the inner part of the pequi drying into the sunlight during two or more days and then fry it with a little bit salt.


  1. M. Soares dos Santos André et al (November 2002). "Verification of FSC Principles and Criteria". Evaluation report of V&M Florestal Ltda. and Plantar S.A. Reflorestamentos, both certified by FSC - Forest Stewardship Council. World Rainforest Movement. Retrieved 2006-11-10. 

See also

Template:Fruit-stub Template:Malpighiales-stub

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