Calluna vulgaris

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Calluna vulgaris, Salisb. (Erica vulgaris, Linn.). Fig. 746. From ½-3 ft.: Ivs. oblong-linear, obtuse, sagittate at the base, glabrous or pubescent: fls. small, in long, erect, rather dense racemes, rosy pink, sometimes white. Aug., Sept.—Some of the most distinct of the numerous named varieties are the following: Var. alba, Don (and var. alba Hammondii), with white fls.; var. Alportii, Kirchn., of more vigorous growth, with rosy carmine fls.; var. carnea, Hort., with flesh-colored fls.; var. plena, Regel, with double rose-colored fls.; var. hirsuta, Gray (var. tomentosa, Don), the branchlets and Ivs. with grayish tomentum; var. nana, Kirchn. (var. pygmaea, Hort.), forming low moss-like tufts; var. rubra, Kirchn., with deep rosy carmine fls.; var. prostrata, Kirchn., with the branches spreading and partly prostrate, fls. pink; var. Searlei, Hort. (var. alba Serlei, Hort.), fls. white, appearing late in autumn. —The heather is a very handsome small shrub, well adapted for borders of evergreen shrubberies, or for dry slopes and sandy banks and preferring sunny positions; it is also found growing well in swamps and in partly shaded situations. Cut branches keep their life-like appearance for many months. Alfred Rehder. CH

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