Eucalyptus marginata

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Eucalyptus marginata, Smith (E. floribunda, Hueg.). Jarrah. Tall tree under favorable conditions, often low: bark persistent and somewhat fibrous or flaking off in strips: Lvs. lanceolate, 3-6 in. long; veins widely spreading: peduncles sometimes a little flattened; lid oblong-conical, longer than calyx-tube; stamens 3—4 lines long, all fertile, the outer not inflexed in bud; anthers cordate-reniform, opening by divergent slits: fr. subglobose, narrowed to the stalk, ½ in. or more thick, hard, and smooth. April, May. F.v.M. Eucal. 7:5.—Valuable hardwood tree requiring a warm climate: not yet a success in Amer. Timber easily worked, takes a fine polish, not attacked by teredo, almost incombustible: used in England for street-paving and in Austral, for piles, underground work, telegraph- poles, ties, flooring, shingles, and general construction. CH

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