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 Agathis subsp. var.  Kauri
Habit: tree
Height: to
Width: to
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Lifespan: perennial
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USDA Zones: to
Sunset Zones:
Flower features:
Araucariaceae > Agathis var. ,

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Agathis (agathis, glome; the flowers in clusters). Pinacex. Tender Australian dioecious conifers, allied to Araucaria, yielding dammar resin.

Leaves coriaceous, not needle-like, usually broad, petioled or almost sessile, opposite or alternate: cones axillary, ovate or globular, composed of persistent, bractless scales. Distinguished from pines and firs by the broad-parallel-veined lvs.—Not uncommon in botanic garden collections where they are grown in the temperate house.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Fossil range: {{{fossil_range}}}
Agathis australis (New Zealand Kauri)
Agathis australis (New Zealand Kauri)
Plant Info
Common name(s): {{{common_names}}}
Growth habit: {{{growth_habit}}}
Height: {{{high}}}
Width: {{{wide}}}
Lifespan: {{{lifespan}}}
Exposure: {{{exposure}}}
Water: {{{water}}}
Features: {{{features}}}
Poisonous: {{{poisonous}}}
Hardiness: {{{hardiness}}}
USDA Zones: {{{usda_zones}}}
Sunset Zones: {{{sunset_zones}}}
Scientific classification
Domain: {{{domain}}}
Superkingdom: {{{superregnum}}}
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: {{{subregnum}}}
Superdivision: {{{superdivisio}}}
Superphylum: {{{superphylum}}}
Division: Pinophyta
Phylum: {{{phylum}}}
Subdivision: {{{subdivisio}}}
Subphylum: {{{subphylum}}}
Infraphylum: {{{infraphylum}}}
Microphylum: {{{microphylum}}}
Nanophylum: {{{nanophylum}}}
Superclass: {{{superclassis}}}
Class: Pinopsida
Sublass: {{{subclassis}}}
Infraclass: {{{infraclassis}}}
Superorder: {{{superordo}}}
Order: Pinales
Suborder: {{{subordo}}}
Infraorder: {{{infraordo}}}
Superfamily: {{{superfamilia}}}
Family: Araucariaceae
Subfamily: {{{subfamilia}}}
Supertribe: {{{supertribus}}}
Tribe: {{{tribus}}}
Subtribe: {{{subtribus}}}
Genus: Agathis
Subgenus: {{{subgenus}}}
Section: {{{sectio}}}
Series: {{{series}}}
Species: {{{species}}}
Subspecies: {{{subspecies}}}
Binomial name
Trinomial name
Type Species
See text

The genus Agathis, commonly known as kauri or dammar, forms a relatively small group of 21 species of evergreen trees in the family Araucariaceae, characteristically with very large trunks and little or no branching for some way up. Young trees are normally conical in shape, only upon maturity does the crown become more rounded or irregularly shaped.

Bark of Agathis robusta at Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens (leaves belong to another plant)

The bark is smooth and light grey to grey-brown usually peeling into irregular flakes that become thicker on more mature trees. The branch structure is often horizontal or when larger, becoming more ascending. The lowest branches often leave circular branch scars as they fall off from the lower trunk.

The juvenile leaves in all species are larger than the adult, more or less acute, varying among the species from ovate to lanceolate. Adult leaves are opposite, elliptical to linear, and very leathery and quite thick. Young leaves are often a coppery-red, contrasting markedly with the usually green or glaucous-green foliage of the previous season.

The male pollen cones appear usually only on larger trees after seed cones have appeared. The female seed cones usually develop on short lateral branchlets, maturing after two years. They are normally oval or globe shaped.

The trees are the source of Dammar Gum.

Seeds of some species are attacked by the caterpillars of one of the most primitive of all living moths, Agathiphaga.

Species list

Te Matua Ngahere, a kauri in Waipoua Forest, is the second largest tree in New Zealand. The largest tree, Tāne Mahuta, is nearby.


Various species of kauri give diverse resins such as kauri copal and Manilla copal, as well as timber, which is straight-grained and of fine quality.

The wood is commonly used in the manufacture of budget-priced guitars. It is also used for some Go boards (goban).

External links


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