Agave atrovirens

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Agave atrovirens, Karw. Becoming enormous: lvs. lanceolate, 12 x 80-100 in., dark green or (when it is A. Salmiana, Jacobi) gray, outcurved-ascending, with large, narrowly grooved spine and moderate gray prickles from low widened bases: infl. 20-30 ft.; fls. 3 1/2 in.; ovary 2 in., segm. 1 in., tube 1/2 in. S. Mex. D. Gart. Mag. 1867, p. 28., f. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 5, pl. 31-33. S.H. 4, p. 281. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 70, p. 210-216. (Esterr. Gart. Zeit. 1911, p. 252. Prometheus 20, p. 24. Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8, p. 10. Modern Mex. 17, p. 26-28. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 33, p. 577, etc.—The principal pulque species cultivated on the plains of Apam. Numerous varieties are figured by Segura, El Maguey, 4 ed., pl. 1-9. Vast confusion exists in current literature: the names A. americana and A. mexicana are often applied to this, and it is difficult to account elsewhere for the many new Latin names given to pulque magueys by Blasquez, and to a number of young garden plants by Jacobi. A yellow-margined variety (also listed as belonging to A. mitraeformis) is var. marginata, Trel. A very large- and concave-lvd. unvariegated form is Var. cochlearis (A. latissima, Jacobi. A. Whitakeri, Hort.). Other important pulque or agua-miel species are: about the City of Mexico, A. Mapisaga, Trel. (maguey mapisaga) with narrow small-prickled lvs.; about Durango, A. compluviata, Trel. (maguey verde), with green-zoned deeply gutter-shaped lvs., and A. quiotifera, Trel. (maguey ceniso), with ashen lvs.; about San Luis Potosi, A. gracilispina, Engelm. (A. potosina, Web.), with slender spine, and A. crassispina, Trel., with stout spine; and about Monterey, A. mellíflua, Trel. (maguey manso), with elongated ashen lvs., and A. zonata, Trel. (maguey verde), with broad green-zoned lvs.


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