Chrysanthemum morifolium

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Chrysanthemum morifolium, Ram. (C. sinense, Sabine). Fig. 928. Perennial, one of the sources (with C. indicum) of the large florist's chrysanthemums: wild plant shrubby, erect and rigid, 2-3 ft., branching, few-lvd.: lvs. thick and stiff, 2 in. long, densely white-tomentose beneath, variable in shape from ovate to lanceolate, cuneate at base, margin entire or coarsely toothed: outer bracts of involucre thick, linear, acute, white-tomentose; fl.- heads small, with yellow disk and white rays somewhat exceeding the disk. China. G.C. III. 31:302 (adapted in Fig. 928). Var. gracile, Hemsl. Lvs. thin or only moderately thick, palmately lobed or pinnately lobed. dentate, the teeth often mucronate: outer involucral bracts herbaceous, linear and acute, varying in pubescence; rays white, pink or lilac, equaling or exceeding the disk. China, Mongolia, Japan. CH

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