Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Citrullus vulgaris, Schrad. Watermelon (see Melon, for culture). Annual, glabrous or pubescent: lvs. not rough, either deeply or moderately divided, the sinuses open and obtuse: fr. in the wild state from the size of an apple to that of a man's head, sweet or slightly bitter. Trop. and S. Afr.—When the fr. is sweet and edible (C. Caffer, Schrad.), it is the watermelon, or "kaffir watermelon" of S. Afr.; when bitter (C. amarus, Schrad.), it is the "bitter-apple" of S. Afr. The fr. now varies widely in cult., in size, season, shape and quality. The soft pink flesh is much prized in its natural state for eating. A form with hard and inedible white flesh is known as "citron," and the rind is used for the making of preserves (as is the rind of the true citron). CH

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