Dendrobium superbum

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Dendrobium superbum, Reichb. f. (D. macrophyllum, Lindl. Plate XXXV. D. Scortechinii, Hook. D. macranthum, Hook.). Pseudobulbs up to 3 or 4 ft. long, cylindric, pendulous: fls. in pairs, 3-5 in. across, with the odor of rhubarb; sepals and petals purple-lilac, acute, the former oblong-lanceolate, about half as wide as the oblong-ovate petals; lip with the tube a deep red- purple, this color appearing as 2 large spots in the throat, the front lobe acuminate, reflexed, denticulate, the upper surface pubescent. Philippines. B.M. 3970. C.O. 20. P.M. 8:97. F.S. 8:757. O.R. 14:78; 20:144. Var. andsmum, Reichb. f. (D. anosmum, Lindl. D. macrophyllum Dayanum, Hort.). Pseudobulbs shorter: fls. usually solitary,nearly odorless, smaller, the sepals and petals shorter and broader. land. 6:264. P.M.15:97. Var. giganteum, Reichb.f. Fls. larger. Var. Huttonii, Reichb. f. Fls. white, except the base of the lip and 2 spots on it which are purple. Malay Archipelago. Var. Richardii, Hort. Medium-sized very fleshy fls. set on long bristled pedicels. CH

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