Ligustrum vulgare

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Ligustrum vulgare, Linn. Common Privet or Prim. Shrub, to 15 ft.: branchlets and panicles puberulous: leaves oblong-ovate to lanceolate, obtuse or acute, glabrous: panicle rather dense, pyramidal, 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 in. long; stamens shorter than the limb. June, July. Eu., N. Afr., W. Asia. Naturalized in some places, chiefly in the E. —Many garden forms. Var. buxifolium, Nichols. Leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, obtuse, half-evergreen. Var. glaucum, Hoefker (var. glaucum albo-marginatum, Spaeth). Leaves bluish green, with narrow white margin. Var. sempervirens, Loud. (L. vulgare var. italicum, Kirchn. L. italicum, Mill. L. sempervirens, Pieri). Leaves linear-lanceolate, almost evergreen. Var. pendulum, Hort., with pendulous branches. Var. pyramidale, Spaeth, with strictly upright branches. There are also varieties with frs. of different colors, as var. chlorocarpum, Loud., with greenish, var. leucococarpum, Loud., with whitish, and var. xanthocarpum, Loud., with yellowish frs. Variegated forms are: var. aureum, Hort., with yellow foliage, and var. variegatum, Hort., with the leaves blotched yellow. Var. lutescens, Hort., has deep cream-yellow flowers. CH

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