Lilium philadelphicum

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Lilium philadelphicum, Linn. Wild Red Lily. Wood Lily. Bulb globular or nearly so, 1 - 1/2 in. diam., white or pale yellow; scales small and thick, sometimes jointed: st. 1-3 ft. high, slender, smooth, lower part bare of leaves: leaves horizontal, 2-4 in. long, 1/4 - 1/2 in. wide, usually in whorls of 3-8 leaves each, with a few scattered ones above: flowers 1-5, 3-1 in. diam., smooth inside, bright orange-red tinged yellow in center and spotted deep purple; anthers red. Late June, July. Maine to Minn., Mo. and N. C., also Canada, as far west as Sask. —Our most beautiful native lily, but indifferent to culture, the best specimens usually being found in a wild state. Var. andinum, Nutt., the Western Red Lily, is a stronger grower, with larger, more richly colored flowers and mostly scattered leaves Ohio to Mont., Col. and Ark. Var. wausharaicum, Leicht., originally found in Waushara Co., Wis., is very similar, if not identical. So also are L. lanceolatum, Fitzp., L. montanum, Nelson, and L. umbellatum, Pursh. CH

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