Miltonia spectabilis

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 Miltonia spectabilis subsp. var.  
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[[]] > Miltonia spectabilis var. ,

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Miltonia spectabilis, Lindl. Rhizome creeping, with the pseudobulbs placed about 1 in. apart, with 2 lvs. at the apex and few sheathing lvs. at the base: lvs. linear- oblong, 4-42 in. long: scapes erect, sheathed, 6-8 in. long, bearing a single fl. about 4 in. diam.; sepals and petals oblong, obtuse, slightly waved, white or cream- colored; labellum 2 in. long, very broad in front, pendent, somewhat undulate, rose-purple, with darker veins. Brazil. B.M. 4204. B.R. 1992. I.H. 6:216; 12:446 (var. cereola); 14:524 (var. rosea); 15:573 (var. virginalis). P.M. 7:97. F.C. 1:45 (Macrochilus Fryanus). R.B. 15:25. G.M. 38:642. A.F. 6:631.—The first miltonia intro. into cult. It blossoms in autumn, large plants bearing from 20-50 fls., all opening at once and lasting about a month. Var. bicolor, Hort. Fls. white, with a violet spot on the labellum. Large-fld. and vigorous. Aug. Var. Moreliana, Hort. (M. Moreliana, Hort.). This variety is very distinct in color. Sepals and petals deep purple; labellum of the same color, veined and shaded with rose. In habit the plant is like the type in every detail. B.M. 4425 (as var. purpureo-violacea, Hook.). F.S. 10:1008. I. H. 2:71. Gn. 31:374 (habit poor). F.M. 1874: 143. G.M.40:37. F.1850, p. 123 (outline). A.F. 6:633.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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