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 Myricaria subsp. var.  
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Myricaria (derived from Myrica, probably the ancient name for the tamarisk, in allusion to the close affinity of the genus to the tamarisk). Tamaricaceae, A genus of about 10 species distributed from Eu. through Cent. Asia to China; closely related to Tamarix, chiefly distinguished by the 10 stamens being connate one-third to one-half, by the 3 sessile stigmas and the stalked tuft on hairs on the seeds. They are hardy shrubby or suffruticose plants with alternate scale-like lvs. and with the fls. in terminal, often panicled racemes. M. germanica, Desv. (Tamarix germanica, Linn.), is a glabrous undershrub, 4-6 ft. high, with upright, wand like branches: lvs. minute, bluish green, lanceolate, glandular-dotted: fls. light pink or whitish, in 4-6 in. long, terminal racemes, usually with lateral ones at the base; bracts produced into a narrow lanceolate point, broadly winged below, exceeding the buds; stamens connate about one-half. Cent, and S. Eu., W. Asia. S.O.B. 3:131. G.W.H. 38. M. dahurica, Ehrenb. (Tamarix dahurica, Willd.), is very similar, but racemes usually lateral, the bracts oblong-ovate, acute with a membranous margin all around, not exceeding the buds, and stamens connate only one-third. Dahuria, Transbaikalia. The cult. is the same as of tamarix; they prefer sandy, moist soil.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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