Paeonia albiflora

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Paeonia albiflora, Pallas (P. edulis, Salisb.). Fig. 2722. Root of fusiform parts or tubers: st. 2-3 ft., often branching and bearing from 2-5 fls. : lower lvs. biter- nate; parts petiolulate or the lateral ones sessile, the lfts. (secondary lfts.) 3-4 in. long, oblong, lanceolate or elliptic, veining red: peduncle long, often with a large entire or lobed bract; outer sepals large, jeaflike; petals large, various in color, usually white or pink, 8 or more; stamens golden yellow: follicles 3-5, ovoid, recurved- spreading, with spiral or reflexed stigmas. June. Siberia, China, Japan. B.M. 1756. F.S. 8:812. Gn. 30:588 (var. Adrian); 50, p. 170; 51:448. J.H. III. 58:493. Gt. 7: 362 (forms). A.G. 23:643; 25:203.

Var. Reevesiana, Loud. (P. Reevesii, Hort.). A double form, with deep red petals. P.M. 1:197. Var. sinensis, Steud. (P. chinénsis, Vilm.). A tall Chinese variety, with large, double, crimson fls. One of the commonest forms in gardens. B.M. 1768. Var. festiva. Planch. Fls. double, white, with a few marks of carmine in the center. F.S. 8:790-91. Var. Whitleyi, Hort, (not var. Whitleyi, Anders., which has double pinkish fls.). Fls. single, large, white. Gn. 36:8; 63, p. 352. CH

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