Paphiopedilum Lowei

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Paphiopedilum Lowei
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[[{{{domain}}}]] > [[{{{superregnum}}}]] > Plantae > [[{{{subregnum}}}]] > [[{{{superdivisio}}}]] > [[{{{superphylum}}}]] > Magnoliophyta > [[{{{phylum}}}]] > [[{{{subdivisio}}}]] > [[{{{subphylum}}}]] > [[{{{infraphylum}}}]] > [[{{{microphylum}}}]] > [[{{{nanophylum}}}]] > [[{{{superclassis}}}]] > [[{{{classis}}}]] > [[{{{subclassis}}}]] > [[{{{infraclassis}}}]] > [[{{{superordo}}}]] > Asparagales > [[{{{subordo}}}]] > [[{{{infraordo}}}]] > [[{{{superfamilia}}}]] > Orchidaceae > Cypripedioideae > [[{{{supertribus}}}]] > Cypripedieae > Paphiopedilinae > Paphiopedilum {{{subgenus}}} {{{sectio}}} {{{series}}} Lowei {{{subspecies}}} var. {{{cultivar}}}

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Paphiopedilum Lowei, Pfitz. (Cupripedium Lowei, Lindl.). Leaves ligulate, up to 15 in. long: scape much exceeding leaves, nodding, 3-6-flowered; flowers 3—1 in. diameter; dorsal sepal oval, acute, yellowish green, veined with purplish brown at base, pubescent at the back; petals spatulate, twisted, about 3 in. long, deflexed, the basal part yellow, black- spotted, the upper part violet-purple; lip brown, paler beneath; staminodium obcordate, the border with purple hairs, a small erect hairy horn at the base. April and May. Borneo. Var. cruciforme, Hall. (Cypriptdium cruciforme. Zoll. & Morr.). More slender, with narrower paler leaves which are often obscurely marbled. W. Java. CH

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