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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Polystachya (Greek, referring to the many spikelets). Orchidaceae. Tropical epiphytic orchids, few of which have showy flowers.Sepals connivent or subpatent, the lateral ones connate with the short foot of the column into a mentum; column short: flowering sts. short, few-lvd., pseudo- bulbous.—About 80 species. For cult., see Orchid.

P. appendiculata, Kranzl. Fls. small, yellow; upper sepal with short, subulate, spur-like appendage attached to back a little above base. Trop. Afr.—P. bicolor, Rolfe. Plant very small: sts. tufted: lvs. lanceolate-oblong: scapes 3-5 in. long; fls. small; sepals light purple: petals cream-white. Seychelles.—P. campyloglossa, Rolfe. Lvs. oblong or linear-oblong, 2-4 in. long: scape 2 in. long. 1- or few-fld.; fls. green, with brown on foot of column and base of lip. Trop. Afr.—P. coriacea, Rolfe. Lvs. linear-oblong, 4-6 in. long: racemes densely-fld., sparingly branched at base; fls. minute, deep yellow. Cent. Afr,—P. dendrobiiflora, Reichb. f. Fls. up to 20 together, in a short corymb, white, suffused with pale rose, resembling in size and shape Dendrobium Fytchianum.—P. ensifolia, Lindl. Sts. erect, bearing linear-oblong lvs. 4-6 in. long: fls. numerous, tawny yellow, borne on an erect infl. Trop. Afr.— P. fleaeudaa, Schlecht. Scape slender, about 1 ft. long, terminated by a lax raceme of small white fls. with a purple-spotted lip. E. Trop. Afr. G.C. III. 44:276.—P. golungensis, Reichb. f. Plant about 4 in. high: infl. branched, with many small light yellow fls. —P. Haroldiana, Hort. Fls. white, sepals tinged with green, borne on a short spike. Trop. Afr.—P. Laurentii, Wildem. Plant trailing: lvs. fleshy, green: fls. in panicles, white or cream-white. Congo.—P. Lawrenciana, Kranzl. St. pubescent: raceme 4-8-fld.; fls. yellowish green, the lip rose-pink; sepals spreading, puberulous, the dorsal ovate, acute, about 1/3in. long; petals incurved, oblong- oblanceolate, subobtuse, about as long as sepals; lip 3-lobed, about 1/2in. long, the front lobe fleshy, nearly orbicular. Trop. Afr. B.M. 8211.—P. mystacioides, Wildem. Sts. branched, over 3 ft. long: lvs. lanceolate, dull green, covered with tiny dots: fls. lurid purple and flesh-colored, 1/2in. long, solitary. Congo.—P. paniculata, Rolfe. Pseudobulbs flattened, the young shoots blotched with purple: racemes panicled; fls. from coppery yellow to reddish orange. Trop. Air. G.C. III. 48:462; 58:85. B.M. 8618.—P. repens, Rolfe. Small, creeping: fls. about 1/4 im. long; sepals and petals buff-yellow striped with brown; lip deep red-brown. Uganda.—P. stricta, Rolfe. Panicle erect, 9 in. long; fls. 1/2in. long, light greenish yellow, with faint purple streaks. Trop. Afr. George V. Nash. CH

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