Primula hirsuta

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Primula hirsuta, All. Lvs. broadly obovate or rhomboid, varying rarely to somewhat cuneate, obtuse, very viscid, with yellow, orange, or reddish glands, toothed toward the apex or throughout: scape glandular, often shorter than lvs., to about 3 in. high, bearing 1 to many fls. on filiform pedicels: bracts broadly ovate and obtuse, scarious: fls. lilac, rose, or white; calyx broad-campanulate, glandular; corolla-limb 1 in. or less across, with obcordate emarginate lobes: caps. included in calyx. Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines. B.M. 14 (as P. villosa); 1922 (as P. decora). Gn. 61, p. 359. R.H.S. 39:105. The species is said to be grown sometimes as P. viscosa. Runs into var. angustata, Widm., with oblong lvs. gradually narrowed into a petiole, and rose-colored fls.; var. exscapa, Pax, scape very short or none, and lvs. nearly sessile; var. nivea, Sims, fls. white. B.M. 1161. Gn. 78, p. 314. G.M. 57:191. The white-fld. plant cult. as P. nivalis and as P. pubescens alba is this form (see No. 20). In gardens are forms known as vars. ciliata, coccinea, and Balfouriana. CH

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