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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Stenoglottis (Greek, narrow and tongue, referring to the narrow lip). Orchidaceae. Terrestrial herbs, with short sts. and tuberiferous or thickened fleshy fasciculate roots, which are suitable for the intermediate house, but not commonly cult.: lvs. radical, numerous, rosulate or tufted: fls. small, short-pedicelled, arranged in loose somewhat 1-sided racemes; bracts small; sepals free, subequal; petals somewhat narrower than the sepals and suberect; lip continuous with the base of the column, cuneate-oblong without a spur, 3-5-cleft at the apex; column very short and broad; pollinia granular: caps. oblong, erect. Three species, Trop. and S. Afr. S. fimbriata, Lindl. Lvs. numerous, oblong or narrowly lanceolate-oblong, acute, bright green, usually with few or numerous blackish or purple-black blotches: scapes erect, slender, 6-12 in. high: racemes 1 1/2 - 6 in. long, lax, many-fld.: fls. light purple with a few elongated dark purple blotches on the lip; sepals broadly ovate, obtuse or subacute; petals ovate, subacute; lip linear-oblong, 3-cleft or 3-parted: caps. narrowly oblong. S. Afr. B.M. 5872. S. longifolia, Hook. f. Lvs. numerous, ensiform, or linear-oblong, acuminate, uniformly light green, 3-7 in. long: scapes erect, often stout, 9-21 in. high, with numerous linear-lanceolate, somewhat recurved sheaths; racemes 4-10 in. long, many-fld.: fls. light purple with a few minute darker dots on the lip, occasionally white; sepals broadly ovate, subobtuse; petals ovate, subacute; lip linear-oblong, 5-fid or 5-parted. B.M. 7186. G.C. III. 16: 563. G.W. 14, p. 653. CH

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