Tropaeolum minus

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Tropaeolum minus, Linn. Fig. 3854. Dwarf annual, not climbing, smaller in all its parts than T. majus: lvs. orbicular-reniform, apiculate at the ends of the veins: petals narrow and apiculate at the apex, the lower intensely maculate. Peru. B.M. 98.—Very likely blended with T. majus by hybridization, in garden forms. T. pinnatum, Andr., is either a monstrosity of this species or more probably a hybrid between T. minus and T. peregrinum, having the lvs. somewhat peltate, with obtuse, unequal lobes: fls. pinnate; petals cuneate with the apex dentate. A garden form. Gt. 62, p. 279. The form known as bimaculatum, Hort., has red petioles and peduncles and the 2 upper petals bear a dark blood-red blotch. There is also a yellow form known as luteum, Hort. CH

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