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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Rhopalostylis (name refers to the club-shaped spadix). Palmaceae, tribe Areceae, Two species of pinnate palms, both of which are useful conservatory plants and nearly always sold as species of Areca or Kentia.

Spineless palms with medium ringed caudices: lvs. terminal, equally pinnatisect; segms. equidistant, numerous, narrowly sword-shaped, acuminate, the margins not thickened, recurved at the base, the midveins prominent, with 1—3-nerves on each side; rachis concave above, scurfy; petiole very short; sheath elongated: spadices short, spreading, with a very short thick peduncle, and fringed, rather thick, densely-fld. branches: spathes 2, symmetrical, oblong, flattened, the lower 2-winged: bracts adnate to the flower-bearing areas, subulate at the apex; bractlets scaly: fls. medium: fr. small or medium, ellipsoidal, smooth. Rhopalostylis belongs to the large group in which the ovule is borne on the side and is more or less pendulous, while in Areca and Kentia the ovule is at the base and erect. From the 5 cult, genera listed under Hedyscepe (which see) Rhopalostylis differs as follows: sepals of staminate fls. awl-shaped to lanceolate, not imbricated; stamens 6-12; pistillate fls. with short petals, valvate at the apex. Cult, as in kentia. Prop, by imported seeds under glass, over bottom heat. Hardy in S. Calif, if planted in shaded positions. Shade is necessary for thrifty growth as the fronds burn badly in the sun; and it will also furnish sufficient protection from frost.

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