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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Vincetoxicum (compound meaning to conquer or subdue poison, alluding to supposed virtues). Asclepiadaceae. By some combined with Cynanchum (which see), but differing in anthers having only short scarious tips and bearing horizontal rather than suspended pollinia. There are about 75 species, all in Amer., mostly in warm or tropical parts: they are twining or trailing woody or perennial herbaceous vines, with opposite cordate simple lvs. and small greenish or purplish fls.: corolla campanulate or rotate, deeply 5-cleft and the parts sometimes reflexed; crown small, mostly ring-like or cup-like and thereby differing from the awned crown-lobes of Gonolobus (Definition of Gonolobus, p. 1356, to be amended): follicles thick, pointed, muricate or ribbed or both. Several species are native in the U. S. from Pa. and Va. southward, but apparently they are not in cult. The mosquito plant or cruel plant, sometimes named in this genus, is here treated as Cynanchum acuminatifolium.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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