Vitis acerifolia

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 Vitis acerifolia subsp. var.  
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[[]] > Vitis acerifolia var. ,

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Vitis longii, Prince (V. Solonis, Planch. V. nuevo-mexicana, Lemm.). Differs from vigorous forms of V. vulpina in having floccose or pubescent young growth: lvs. decidedly more circular in outline, with more angular teeth and duller in color, often distinctly pubescent beneath: stamens in fertile fls. short and weak and laterally reflexed, those in sterile fls. long and strong: seeds larger. W. Okla., N. W. Texas, New Mex. and S. Colo.—Regarded by French authors as a hybrid, the species V. rupestris, V. vulpina, V. candicans, and V. cordifolia having been suggested as its probable parents: but Munson thinks that it has "a well-characterized specific make-up of its own." It is variable in character. In most of its forms it would be taken for a compound of V. rupestris and V. vulpina, but the latter species is not known to occur in most of its range. It was very likely originally a hybrid between V. rupestris (which it sometimes closely resembles in herbarium specimens except for its woolliness) and some tomentose species (possibly with V. arizonica or V. Doaniana), but it is now so widely distributed and grows so far removed from its supposed parents and occurs in such great quantity in certain areas, that for taxonomic purposes it must be kept distinct. It is not unlikely that it has originated at different places as the product of unlike hybridizations. Late French writers designate the jagged-lvd. forms as V. Solonis, and the dentate forms as V. nuevo-mexicana. This interesting grape was found about fifty years ago by Engelmann in the Botanic Garden of Berlin under the name of Vitis Solonis, without history. Engelmann guesses (Bushberg Cat. ed. 3, 18) the name to be a corruption of "Long's." It is probable that the plant was sent to European gardens as Vitis Longii—very likely from Prince's nursery—and the name was misread on the label. The original name, which was duly published by Prince with description, may now be restored.

Var. microsperma, Bailey (V. Solonis var. microsperma, Munson), is a very vigorous and small-seeded form, which is very resistant to drought. Red River, N. Texas.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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