Vitis cinerea

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Vitis cinerea, Engelm. Sweet Winter Grape. Fig. 3961. Climbing high, with medium to long internodes and thick and strong diaphragms: lvs. large, broadly cordate-ovate to triangular-cordate-ovate (generally longer than broad), the sinus mostly wide and obtuse, the margin small-notched (teeth much smaller than in V. Berlandieri) or sometimes almost entire, mostly distinctly and divaricately 3-angled or shortly 3-lobed toward the apex, the triangular apex large and prominent, the upper surface cobwebby when young but becoming dull dark green (not glossy), the under surface remaining ash-gray or dun-gray, webby-pubescent: stamens in sterile fls. long, slender, and ascending, in the fertile ones short and laterally recurved: cluster mostly loose and often straggling, containing many small black berries, these only slightly, if at all glaucous, ripening very late, and after frost becoming sweet and pleasant; seeds small to medium. Along streams, mostly in limy soils, Cent. Ill. to Kans. and Texas; also N. Fla., also in Mex.—Readily distinguished from V. aestivalis by the triangular-topped sharply 3-lobed ash-gray lvs. and the gray tomentum of the young growth.

Var. floridana, Munson (V. austrina, Small). Growing tips rusty-tomentose, as are sometimes the veins on the under sides of the lvs.: cluster longer-peduncled and more compound. Manatee Co., Fla.; and apparently also in Ark.; possibly a compound with V. aestivalis, but the lvs. have the characteristic shape of V. cinerea. Not to be confounded with any form of V. caribaea, because of the lobed triangular-topped lvs. and much larger teeth.

Var. canescens, Bailey. A form with rounded or heart-like lvs., the upper half of the lf. lacking the triangular and 3-lobed shape of the type. St. Louis, Mo., and S. Ill. to Texas.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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